
Star within 25 parsecs of Earth (VRML) simulator

(Click on the graphic below to start the VRML)




A Practical Study of stars with visual magnitudes of 3.0 or brighter within 25 pc of the Sun. I only included about 100+ stars, to keep the file size small. Clicking on the star will bring up the Yale Bright Star catolog entry for the star. It should open its own window to display the star information in, however not all VRML plug-ins support the target option, and it may overlay the VRML code.

My intent was to learn a little about the nature of stars nearest to the earth. I also wanted to learn more about VRML and what practical uses might be made for it in the visualization of complex tables.

The coloration of the stars is based on the spectral type, I only used a simple model for this demonstration (OBAFGKM).

The Size of the stars is based on their visual magnitudes, I will put up another one later that will include an option for apparent magnitudes.

In order to view this demonstration you will need a VRML browser, plug-in or whatever. I can make a few suggestions.


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